About us

Greenfaulds High School is a 6 year non-denominational school, based in Cumbernauld, Glasgow, Scotland with a school roll of, approximately, 900 pupils.Greenfaulds offers a wide range of subjects, such as Home Economics (cooking and sewing), craft and design (woodwork and metalwork) and Religious Education, as well as the traditional subjects such as, English, Maths, History, Geography, Physical Education and all the science subjects and Information Technology, Art, Drama, etc.


Pupils are normally taught in a class of up to 30 pupils some of who will be from their original primary school. For some subjects like science or home economics, pupils will be in a smaller class of up to 20 pupils.

First thing each morning pupils spend 10 minutes with their register teacher who will check their attendance, ask for absence notes if they have been off sick and read out any important information from our daily news sheet.

They will be under the general supervision of a guidance teacher whom they will meet very early in the new session. Their guidance teacher is a very important person since he or she will get to know a lot about the pupils during their school life. They should feel confident to talk to their guidance teacher about anything which may be worrying them.

The School Day

The school starts at 9.00 am prompt. A warning buzzer sounds at 8.55 am to give pupils plenty of time to get to their class on time.

Registration lasts from 9.00 am until 9.10 am. There is an interval from 10.55 am until 11.10 am. Lunch is from 12.55 pm until the warning buzzer sounds at 1.35 pm for afternoon classes starting at 1.40 pm. The teaching day is split into 6 periods each 50 or 55 minutes long. pupils will move to different rooms for different subjects with different teachers.

Eating Arrangements

The cafeteria is open before 9.00 am, at the interval and at lunchtime serving a range of snacks, meals and drinks. Pupils may choose to bring a packed lunch and eat it in one of our four dining halls.


We expect pupils to come to school smartly dressed in black trousers or skirt with a white shirt, blouse or polo shirt. If they wish to wear a sweatshirt it must be black with the GHS logo. We would like them to wear the school tie. You can buy GHS ties, polo shirts and sweatshirts from the school office. All first year pupils are given a complimentary tie as part of their starter pack.

Pupils do not come to school wearing "football club" T-shirts or ones advertising alcohol or which could be seen to be provocative. We recommend pupils wear sensible shoes since they will have to move about up and down stairs during the day. They should not wear jewellery and not bring valuable items into school.

The pupils will need to have a special kit for PE and swimming which they will be told about when they join the school.


Most pupils, want to come to school to work and learn and this is what we expect of our pupils. We expect them to be polite considerate and well behaved.

We have a "positive Behaviour Policy" in operation where we let pupils know what is expected of them. In the few cases where pupils do not behave properly, we believe that early contact with parents helps to put matters right. 

All pupils receive a copy of the school rules. You will see that these rules are sensible and necessary for the good running of the school. If pupils pay attention to these rules they will have a profitable time at Greenfaulds High School.


If any pupil suffers from any illness (e.g. epilepsy, diabetes, migraine, etc) which could affect them while at school, let us know. A note from your parents to your guidance teacher will do.

Their class teacher may be able to help if feel unwell during the day. If not they will be sent to the school office and someone there will be able to help. It is very important that we have a note of a telephone number so that we can contact parents or some other responsible adult who will be able to take them home if they are too ill to continue with their classes.


Too many absences from school will make the pupil fall behind with their work. If pupils are ill and are likely to be off for more than a day or two, a telephone call to the school office would help us. They should bring a note of explanation of the absence, signed by a parent, when they return. If any pupil needs to be off for a long time we can usually arrange for work to be sent home. The parents can ask the child's guidance teacher about this.

Contact with Home

From time to time pupils will have tests to help assess how well they are learning. Reports will be sent home to keep the parents informed of the child's progress. Their parents are welcome to contact the school if they wish to discuss any problems the child may have. This contact would normally be with the child's guidance teacher or with the Assistant Head Teacher responsible for the pupils yeargroup.

Three times a year pupils will be given a copy of the school newsletter and pupils will be expected to take this home to their parents telling them about holidays, PTA events and other items of news. Pupils should make sure they deliver these safely to their parents and don't lose them at the bottom of their bag.



Those pupils who regularly do homework and revise their subjects properly do better in their examinations. Most of their teachers will give them homework so that they can learn something a bit better and help them form good study habits for the future. We will give each pupil a homework diary and we expect them to take careful note of all homework given and make sure they do it properly and on time.


Football, badminton, volleyball, hockey and athletics take place most days after school in the P,E. department. Pupils may join a choir or band or take part in some of the musical activities which are provided. There is also a "PAWS" club, a Technology club and a Modern Studies club which makes many interesting visits throughout the session.

We also run a number of foreign visits either at Easter, October or at the end of the summer term. Pupils who behave well and co-operate with the school by wearing school uniform may take part in some of the many clubs and activities which we provide.

Last session we had a Millennium concert in Glasgow Royal Concert Hall which involved many of our pupils and pupils from our six associated primary schools.


The School Library - January 1999